

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog about my life as a teenager growing up in a sheltered world, succeeding over all others. I talk a lot about Manga and Anime that I love to let out my inner asian. Looking like a white girl, its hard to get out all my asianness fully without it being awkward. As a wasian, a half- white half- asian, I have high expectations from my asian side and just as high expectations from my white side. All I do in my time is do homework, study, play tennis, practice Tai-Kwon-Do, watch anime, and read manga. I have a very peaceful life and I want to enjoy this while it lasts. I won't have as much free time in college. Having fun, enjoying life and living in another fantasy world inside Japanese comics is what I love and what I will never stop enjoying.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Russian Dude Looked at my Blog for Wasian Definition!

Its funny, this blog was just something to fill time and now a guy/girl from Russia looked up what a Wasian was, and my blog was one of the things that came up. It was Awesome!!! By the way a wasian for all those newbs out there is a kid with a White and an Asain parent making a wasian. There are many types of Wasians ya know? Theres a Wapanese, a Japanese and White girl. I don't know very many but I still belong to the group. yay....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Finished Ouran High School Host Club

I just finished Ouran High School Host Club manga. It may have not been the last chapter but I finished it. Its was so romantic.... not my usual genre of manga but whatever it was still really good. Dont read the rest of the post if you dont want to hear the ending.
( You'll know what I'm talking about if I you've read or watched this series.)

 Haruhi and Tamaki finally confess their love for one another and end up inside a fountain where they express more feelings of love. Awesome... Tamaki got to finally meet his mother again, but for only five minutes.Of course the host club finally came back and Mori-Sempai and Hunny-Sempai went to college. It sucks cuz i really loved Mori. He was the tallest, quietest, awesomest guy ever. He was good with animals throughout the story and showed awesome loyalty to his cousin Hunny. Sorry in ranting on and on. Their both good at martial arts and can beat up the police force (shown in one of the volumes). Anywayy they were amazing and super awesome.It was a really good series that anyone should watch and its for all ages who love to read about love.

Im so bored...

You ever just wanna quit doing whatever your doing and just stare into space. This is exactly like me... Iv'e had a project and three tests over the past two days and all iv'e been doing is studying and working. Ughhhh... OH well. There was a new chapter of Bleach and Naruto again! Bleach was just another chapter about that wierd guy who knows ichigo but he doesnt know him. Then Naruto is just about the beginning of the war finally ( you get to meet sai's brother! Dead though...) 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Bleach and Naruto Shippuden Chapter!!!

Just like the last one  its super awesome! In Bleach you get to see Ichigo's boss from last time. If you read it then you would hear him worrying about being late for his job and him running out on the soccer practice to go talk to the boss. Its funny and leaves you with another cliffhanger. Amazing!!!
Naruto Shippuden was supposed to be inspirational and awesome, and I felt it but it wasn't really an action packed adventure for this chapter. Which is ok too. Ohh! You get to see what the dead soldiers, you know that already died and Kabuto is bringing them back to life, what they think of being controlled. They all dont like working for the akatsuki, but cant control their bodies. It sucks... Those evil b*******s ( By the way this *** means buttheads! not the other word....or words.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Avatar the Last Airbender: Epic!!!

Avatar the last airbender is one of the best American made cartoons ever made!It revolves aroung the four elements( air, water, earth and fire) and benders that can control them. All benders can only bend one element, except for the Avatar. The Avatar is the peace maker and can control all elements. The Avatar in this series is a young boy, age 12, named aang who woke up after 100 years to find his once peaceful world into a world filled with war. I watched every single episode and it was so good, even my mom started watching and kept watching until the end! Thats rare, usually my mom hates anything I watch. They made that movie too with real people acting out their characters, but people says it sucked. bad. Oh well. U should watch the series, not the movie, but the final episode is kinda like amovie though. This anime is super funny and has lots of action and suspense, a perfect anime, kinda all about nature and spirits and such.... Its awesome, just watch it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Chapter of Bleach and Naruto Shippuden

There were new chapters!!!
Finally, it felt like forever! ( only been a week) ( I got no life, I just wait for the next chapters to come out... hehehe I love IT!)

Bleach was kinda cool, it was a continuation of his now nornal lifestyle with some not so normal things happening... hmmm?
Orhime Inoue was so prettty! Shes all grown up now since their all seniors. We get to see everyone xcept for Chad I think. And everyone got new haircuts!

In Naruto Shippuden their all preparing for the next great ninja war. Akatsuki vs. the rest of the ninja world! The akatsuki is totally cheating, bringing dead people back to life! not fair. Oh and  Using the weird plant looking guys clones aas soldiers! Not cool! Poor Yamamoto captured by Kabuto! AWWW.

Cant wait for the next chapters to come out! I think these two chapters were just fillers, but they were pretty cool. Their both leading up to something awesome!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom is the most realistic anime I've seen in a while now. Its about this man named Reiji and later named Zwei who becomes an assassin to survive and not be killed by his mentor and possible love Ein. They are both assassins who work for this company called Inferno who works with trying to good (sorta) and are included in controlling some mafia. Its the one of my all time favorites for present time manga with no super powers or anything. Its supa awesome and has the perfect blend of little romance you have to think about and lots of action and a plot that is compelling and yet not too complex so idiots will still get it. Im still in the process of watching the entire series. It has about 20 episodes and the manga is completely different than the anime. There are 2 versions of the anime with Ein being blond and short to being green haired and a little taller. I like the version with the picture at the top. OOOHHHH and the best part is that it is in such fantastic HD I can see everything. Im very picky about these types of things; I care about quality, ALOT!

A Crazy Day

Ya know if u read a post a couple of days ago, I said that I needed to get my grade up to read manga and watch anime? Weeelll... my grade has gotten lower from a 90.27 to a 88 percent! Its outrageous and I was depressed the rest of the day... :( On the lighter note, I GOT INTO THE FINAL FOUR IN LEAGUE FINALS!!!! I was super proud because I beat this chic that has annoyed me since we started middle school ( now in high school). I, at first had a rank of five in the league but beat the chic who I didnt like and got fourth ranking. However, I lost to everyone in the final four and didn't get to go to CIF championships... It was crazy though cuz the people I played had weird stories about themselves and were mostly all older than me. The first place winner was a freshman who plays everyday and stays up late to do homework. Shes really small and asain but has the strength of a man! She doesnt take honors classes though, so shes a total loser when it comes to school. She chose tennis over school. Tsk. Tsk. The second place winner was a gigantic girl who played since she was four, but was forced to play the sport and hates to play it. She was a junior and has the biggest forehead and massive pimples all over it.... eww. She was too good, but doesnt enjoy it... AWWW another sad story of asain parents ruining their child's life. The final girl was a fat lard of a woman and was a senior, she hit really hard and made you run! I almost beat her, but at the end was starting to get dizzy from the heat and tired ness from the day before of League Finals. OH well. I still got three hyears to train I guess. I wish I did better though... everyones giving me crap about how I was best in the school and giving me sympathy and crap like that. I wouldnt take it, it was my fault and I seriously could have done better. HMPH!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Professor Layton Games

The Professor Layton series is one of my all time favorites for DS Games. Its unfinished and still going strong with popularity. The third one just came out and I was so mezmorized I finished it in 11 hours. The whole concept of the game is to solve puzzles in the game that surrounds one giant mystery. So far al the mysteries have been dramatic enticing and all around wel done. The thing i really liked was the videos and the perfect artwork and voices in there. They record everything so you feel like your in the story listening in on all the conversations. Professor Layton and his apprentice luke go on the best adventures in London wiether it includes a diabolical box time traveling, and much more. There's to be a movie coming out and two or three more games. THeir already made, but it takes time to translate everything from Japanese to English. You should definitely play it, people of all ages will love this game, yes, even adults. You'll say you will play for an hour, but you actually happen to play for 5 hours. It's the best and just try it, you won't regret it.