

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog about my life as a teenager growing up in a sheltered world, succeeding over all others. I talk a lot about Manga and Anime that I love to let out my inner asian. Looking like a white girl, its hard to get out all my asianness fully without it being awkward. As a wasian, a half- white half- asian, I have high expectations from my asian side and just as high expectations from my white side. All I do in my time is do homework, study, play tennis, practice Tai-Kwon-Do, watch anime, and read manga. I have a very peaceful life and I want to enjoy this while it lasts. I won't have as much free time in college. Having fun, enjoying life and living in another fantasy world inside Japanese comics is what I love and what I will never stop enjoying.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scott Pilgrim!!!

An American made comic book!!! Its really funny with adult jokes kids can get too, and is kinda like a video game. Ita already been made into a movie (supa funny!) Its about this dude who has to fight these seven evil ex's of this girl he wants to date. It may seem like a drama, but fear not!, its super funny. For a while, I thought white people couldnt make good comic books, but this dude who made it was actually really good. It made me put more faith in the comic industry for white people. Super fun!!! READ IT! I even have the series at home its just really good...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stray Love Hearts (s.l.h.)

This manga is very cute altogether with wonderful art that made me just want to read on and on, never to stop. Its all about this young sixteen year old girl who get her heart taken from her( literally!) from this unknown man with long silver hair and a tattoo on his chest. She wakes up from the dream that she had with her heart stolen, and finds that it came true. Sooo.... she transfers to a school where she saw the tattoo pattern in a dorm called the S building. After her no heart almost failing her, the supervisor of the dorm is some sort of wizard that kinda is a wizard guy who knows what happened to her. So she finds she is a dream seer and sleeps in every guy's room to see if theyre the one that stole her heart. Soooo.... YEah supa cute. Definitely a girls manga, unless your gay, then this is perfect for you!

One girl surrounded by guys. One of them isnt what they seem.
Haha.. yeah really cute manga. READ IT!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

XXX Holic

OK so this manga is kinda like Tsubasa. Its about what the Time Space Witch is doing while Syaoran and his crew are out getting Sakura's feathers to regain her memory. Its mainly about this guy who is tied to Syaoran somehow and goes on adventures to different spiritual places and meets different people who change his life forever, while he figures out stuff about Syaoran. It starts with him meeting the Space Time Witch because he has some kind of wish to be made and its pretty cool. I love it more that Tsubasa because I can't understand it that well. Haha call me dumb, but Im probably not the only one who thought it was a little confusing and the end there! I need help with it... ANYWAY.... XXX Holic is wonderful. It has love, spirits, Tsubasa, funny characters, mystery, and a bigger secret than the Space Time Witch is letting on.

Im back!

Haha i didnt post for a while cuz I was caught up with life and high school stuff. Anyway, Im here and Im gonna talk about more manga and stuff sooo yeah.

Ive read so much more manga now, lots to share!