

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog about my life as a teenager growing up in a sheltered world, succeeding over all others. I talk a lot about Manga and Anime that I love to let out my inner asian. Looking like a white girl, its hard to get out all my asianness fully without it being awkward. As a wasian, a half- white half- asian, I have high expectations from my asian side and just as high expectations from my white side. All I do in my time is do homework, study, play tennis, practice Tai-Kwon-Do, watch anime, and read manga. I have a very peaceful life and I want to enjoy this while it lasts. I won't have as much free time in college. Having fun, enjoying life and living in another fantasy world inside Japanese comics is what I love and what I will never stop enjoying.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Im so bored...

You ever just wanna quit doing whatever your doing and just stare into space. This is exactly like me... Iv'e had a project and three tests over the past two days and all iv'e been doing is studying and working. Ughhhh... OH well. There was a new chapter of Bleach and Naruto again! Bleach was just another chapter about that wierd guy who knows ichigo but he doesnt know him. Then Naruto is just about the beginning of the war finally ( you get to meet sai's brother! Dead though...) 

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